August 31, 2010

Sourdough Bread

Some people may think I have weird items on my bucket list, but one of them was to make my own sourdough bread from an actual sourdough starter. I had tried to make my own sourdough starter twice. It didn't quite turn out very well. I got a starter from my friend's mom, and brought it back across the United States in a cooler. I made it one day, and totally loved it! I had to play with the temperature some, I think due to altitude, so some of my first batches were a little dry, but I think I got it worked out. It's so exciting to knock stuff off of my bucket list! I have to admit there are a few things on my bucket list that have to do with cooking...

I think it would be great to make your own starter, and give as a gift. Make something from the starter (i.e. bread, muffins), include the starter, directions and recipes. I would love a gift like that! A gift that keeps on giving!

1 comment:

  1. Girl I have a sour dough starter that was given to me when Garrett and I got married that is 78 yrs old and we love to make sour dough pancakes with it. I LOVE THINGS LIKE THAT TOO!!! :)

    have a wonderful weekend girl :)


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