April 23, 2014

Adoption Baby Shower

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Our friends were able to adopt a baby!!!!! It was (and is) so exciting! Even though a while ago I said I was taking a break from throwing baby showers I knew I would if Meaghan were to have a baby! So, I was more than thrilled to help a few friends throw her a shower!!

A friend called and asked for some theme ideas, I gave some ideas and then from those Meaghan chose her favorite; She went with a crepe bar and the theme: A Joyful Journey.  So very fitting.

One friend made the invites, one friend hosted, another coordinated everything and took care of the game, and I made the crepes and decorations, and everyone pitched in with bringing toppings. The best way to do a shower - share the load!

(for the record:  I realized that my camera had been on a weird setting after the baby shower was over! ahh!  so the pictures are a wee bit fuzzy!

The invites:


So, I had so many ideas for decorations and set aside the week of the shower to accomplish everything.  Then my kids got so sick...  So, almost all the decorations I did the night before and into the morning... story of my life!  So, I wasn't able to finish the table centerpiece I had in mind, and that was a big bummer, but everything else turned out so fun! (In my opinion!)

I copied the invitation and made this little embroidered hanging hoop for the front door. 
I figured, I would give this to Meaghan and she could hang it in her nursery if she wanted to.  Then, while at the shower I realized she could have all the decorations if she wanted to use them in her nursery.  She did and I'm excited to see them in his nursery and she said I could post pictures here too!  So, stay tuned!

The balloon garland:

I cut up a burlap sack and sewed little pieces together to make the balloon baskets.

I used this pattern to make these hot air balloons.  I glued pieces of the burlap sack to cardboard to make the basket part.

Pictures of him from an earlier photo shoot!  So sweet!

The Food:

We did a crepe bar, I basically just recreated what I did for this birthday partyCrepes with Nutella, Chocolate Mousse, strawberries, bananas, toasted almonds and coconut, vanilla cream sauce, fudge sauce, and whipping cream. (Recipes linked)

This table is so sad without the centerpiece...  :(  But the food was yummy, so it's all okay.  :)
I got these digital graphics to use for the food labels at this Etsy Store.

I made some mock mimosas (orange juice and 7-Up)

The Games:

I had seen this on Pinterest, to write a message for the parents on diapers.  I thought it would be fun to display them in a vintage suitcase (to go with the theme?!), and our friend totally found one!  So cute!

We also did a game where guests picked a slip of paper that had prompts for them to share with the group: share a time you thought you were the worst parent ever.    share one of your most embarrassing parenting moments...  share one of your most sleep deprived moments as a parent...  share something you've told your child that you reminded yourself of your own mother or parents...  share something you swore you would never do as a parent and then found yourself doing... etc.

The very best part of the shower was seeing Meaghan being so happy to be a mom!  Ahh!! I love it!!!!

I mean!!!!!  Her face!!!  Joyful indeed!!!!!!!!

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