December 4, 2013

Using your left over Thanksgiving turkey

Using turkey left overs a few years ago HERE
Even if I don't host Thanksgiving dinner, I always buy a turkey to make a Thanksgiving dinner for just my family usually right after Thanksgiving to ensure I have left over turkey.  At the price they offer turkeys during the holidays, I just can't afford not to buy one.  I love using left over turkey! 

Yesterday, I made some baby food by combining my pumpkin puree (tired of hearing about that yet? Don't answer that...) with turkey and a little bit of water and pureeing it.  Everett loved it.  Yay!

baby food always looks gross....
This week, I'll post a few of my other favorites to make with left over turkey. 

Do you have any favorites recipes you use with your left over turkey?  Please share!!  You can link to them in the comments!! 

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