December 5, 2013

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Before and after being pureed

I know I said I was going to be posting my turkey leftovers, but I have to post this first because this goes in one of my leftover recipes.  

One day I decided I was going to my own cream soups and can them, then I would never buy another can of it in my life.  I have yet to can any, but I like making my own!

My friend posted this recipe on her blog a few years ago, and I LOVE it!  So, whenever I have a recipe that calls for cream of mushroom soup, I make this first!   It makes my house smell sooo yummy!  My kids come running in and asking what's for dinner?!

I halfed this recipe the first time I made it (Not sure why because my friend mentions in her post you can freeze it...), but probably because I didn't buy enough mushrooms.  The mushrooms didn't half in the quantity that is economical to buy, so every time I make this, the amount of mushrooms change! 

So, when I use this as a substitute for canned cream of mushroom soup, I use the soup without the cream in it.  If I eat it as soup, I add the cream.  Delicious either way.  You can also make this vegetarian by using vegetable stock instead of chicken stock.  

I know not everyone uses a kitchen scale to measure ingredients, so I added the equivalent measurements for you.  Or what the ounces equaled in cups, etc.  Can I just put a plug in for the immersion blender?? How did my kitchen ever survive without it???? 

Original recipe HERE

Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe
(Makes 1/2 gallon)

1.5 oz. butter (3 T.)
4 oz. yellow onion diced (1 cup)
2 oz. celery diced (heaping 1/2 cup)
2 oz. leeks (1 cup)
2 lbs. mushrooms
1.5 quarts chicken stock (6 cups)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
8 oz. heavy cream, heated

1.  Sweat onions, celery, leeks, mushrooms in butter
2.  At the same time make your roux*
2.  Add chicken stock and roux, stir to dissolve roux, bring to simmer for 30 minutes.
3.  Puree solids until smooth, simmer for 10 minutes
4.  Season with salt & pepper, to taste
5.  Add heated cream to soup and garnish just before serving.

** roux recipe

8 T. butter
8 T. flour

Melt butter, whisk in flour.  Cook boiling & whisking for 4 minutes. 

the roux cooking
This was before adding the mushrooms - Seriously this smells so amazing I almost forgot to add the mushrooms!

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