December 8, 2013

2013 Christmas Ornaments

Every year we get our kids a new Christmas ornament to open up when we put up our Christmas tree. I always try to get an ornament that represents something from the year.

I'm trying to save some money (and I couldn't find what I wanted), so this year, I made their ornaments! I'm thinking I should do it every year. I kind of wish I had spent more time on them, but I just wanted to get them done. Oh well, they are fine and a little whimsical, right? That makes the sloppiness okay, right?  Right?
This was my daughters first year of school!

My three year old was potty trained this year, and he potty trained so easily and quickly, I love him for that!   He also almost always never wears pants at home - always running around in just his underwear!  As soon as he gets home, within 30 minutes he has no pants on!  So, this was very fitting!  Ha!

My 11 month old has been the BIGGEST Mama's boy out of all of my kids!  I'm selling these in my Etsy Shop...
My nine year old is such a big helper.  He doesn't complain when I ask him to do the dishwasher, he just comes and does it.  He will help me do whatever.  I truly have appreciated it this year!  (I now wish I had taken my time to do this ornament better and actually done cute writing, but oh well....)

I put the year and their initial on the back.  The year is the bus number on the front of Mallary's ornament. 

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