December 6, 2013

Turkey (or chicken) Pot Pie

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I've been making this recipe since college.  I adapted this recipe out of a friend's family cookbook.  It's my favorite and I love that it's a favorite in some of my friend's homes now as well!!  My friends ten year old can even make it - so you can too!! 

Turkey or Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

1/3 c. butter
1/3 c. flour
1/4 c. grated onion (heaping)  or 1 small - medium onion diced
1/2 tsp. salt or seasoned salt to taste
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 small clove garlic (optional!)
1 3/4 c. chicken broth (or turkey broth if you still have some leftover!)
2/3 c. milk
10 oz. steamfresh frozen veggies or 2 c. of carrots and frozen peas (already cooked)

Melt butter over medium heat.  Saute onions and garlic if using.  Whisk in flour until smooth.  Add salt and pepper.  Stir in broth and milk.  Heat to boiling until thick.  Remove from heat add (cooked) vegetables and cooked turkey or chicken.  There is nothing worse than a pot pie with vegetables that aren't cooked all the way. (Been there. Done that...)  Let the filling mixture hang out in a pot NOT on the hot stove while you make your crust. 

Crust Recipe

Makes crust for two pies or top and bottom of one pie
(This crust can also be used for dessert pies, but you would need to add 2 T. sugar to the dry ingredients)  

2 1/2 cups flour
1/2  tsp. salt
1 cup cold unsalted butter
1/2 - 3/4 c. ice cold water

Mix dry ingredients.  Cut in butter with a pastry blender until pieces of butter are the size of peas.  Add water and mix until dough comes together.  I've always found pie dough to be different every time with the amount of water?  It helps to bring it together with your hands by kneading it just a bit.  You don't want to overwork pie dough.  Be careful not to add too much water - or it just gets sticky and won't turn out as flaky.

Take your dough and divide it into to two rounds.

Roll out your bottom pie dough and place in large pie plate.  Add filling.  Roll out your top dough and place it on top of filling and pinch edges together.  I usually cut a few pretty slits in the top of the dough in the middle.  

Bake at 340 degrees for about 40 -45 minutes or until dough is lightly browned. 


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