December 9, 2013

Copy Cat Flaky Layers Biscuits

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My grandparents lived a couple miles away from each other.  When we went to visit our Grandparents, we visited both sets of grandparents.  My Grandma made her biscuits from scratch, which I loved... My Grandmommy made the flaky layers biscuits out of one of those cans, which I also loved.

I've been toying with the idea of trying to make some flaky biscuits from my own biscuit recipe, and I finally tried it, and we LOVED them!  So fun, so soft and so flaky!  My six year old said, "These are the fluffiest biscuits you ever made!"

I used my recipe HERE, and then did the following...

(For the record I was working with a doubled batch of biscuit dough here...)

First, make sure your dough is not too sticky.  Your dough should be kneaded together, add flour and knead more until it isn't too sticky.  Divide your dough into five balls.  Roll out each ball pretty thin.  You'll need some extra flour to work with to sprinkle down on the mat and your dough with each layer. 

Once rolled out, I put each layer on top of each other piled on a plate.

After rolling out each ball.  I cut a fourth of the dough to work with at a time.  (Because I was too lazy to wash a working space, I just used a cutting mat!  So you can take the whole pile and do at one time  which would really be easier!)

Take the section (see the five layers above) and roll it out a little bit with a rolling pin smashing the layers together.  Then fold that in half creating 10 layers.  (Below)

Roll that to the desired thickness and cut out your biscuits.

Look at the layers!!  

Bake at the normal temperature -  they are a bit thicker, so it may take a little bit longer to cook.  

Loved how they turned out!!! 

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