October 22, 2015

2014 Hand Made Family Christmas Ornaments

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Every year we get our kids a new Christmas ornament that has some meaning from that year for them.  The year before I made some and decided to do it again last year. 

This was a bookworm for Trevan.  He always has his nose in a book and is a superstar in reading at school. 

An I love makeup ornament for Mallary.  Self explanatory if you follow me on Instagram...

And for my sweet Jonah Sunshine I made a simple XO because he will come up to you and randomly give hugs and kisses.

And for Everett, he was still a snuggler to sleep last year and liked to have his arm up the sleeve of your shirt and he loved elephants!

If any of you want some hand made ornaments for your family this year, I can help!

You can see our family ornaments that I made from the year before HERE

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