December 11, 2013

Copy Cat Wendy's Frosty - Take 2

I like my copy cat Wendy's Frosty recipe, but I'm never opposed to trying another!!

I found this recipe on Pinterest, and it was super easy, and pretty close to the real thing...  I almost didn't try it because it had Cool Whip in it, but I checked the food snob at the kitchen door that day.  :)  But, I may try this recipe using whipping cream next time.  To quote my mom, "Why use something that has so many ingredients, when cream is just one ingredient?" Ha!  Though, the Cool Whip may be key in this recipe because I think it helps make the little granule things that Wendy's frostys have...

Remember, your chocolate milk is the star of this show, so make sure you are using a kind that you know tastes good!

Copy Cat Wendy's Frosty Recipe - Take 2
Recipe from HERE

1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 8 oz. tub Cool Whip
1/2 gallon chocolate milk

Mix ingredients together and put in your ice cream maker for about 30 minutes.

*This makes more than you can put in one of the smaller standard electric ice cream makers.  Even though we have two of them, I didn't have the container frozen for the other one.  So, I just kept the liquid in a bowl covered in the fridge and made some the next day too!  

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