November 23, 2013

Taco Bite Appetizers.

I guess I married my food soul mate...

I made taco salad for dinner the other  night.  I was too busy eating and dealing with the kids when I realized John was working hard at the stove.  He wanted fancy taco bites not a boring taco salad!

I laughed so hard because he was going through all this effort to make his dinner in little bites instead of just mixing it up on a plate.  He even cut up his lettuce super tiny!  I did have to tell him he was putting things out of order!

This is one of our favorite little party appetizers though.

Taco Bite Appetizers

In your tortilla scoop add:

1.  Taco meat (I used turkey) or beans (I would do re fried).  Or both.
2.  Add cheese
3.  At this point you could put them in the oven just until cheese is melted if you were serving them right away, OR just do a bean dip (with the beans) and don't put them in the oven.
4.  After pulling out of oven, add lettuce, sour cream and a tomato on top.
5.  If doing a bean dip - omit lettuce, do guacamole, sour cream and a tomato on top!
6.  Serve cute little yummy cups of deliciousness. 

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