November 22, 2013

Refashion Friday - Dress Redo

So, my little sister brings bags of clothes to my house (after taking them to my older sisters house to go through to see if I want any to wear, or I want any to refashion, and then I sell the leftovers in a yard sale.  She is shorter than me - so rarely do dresses and such ever work - but they are perfect to refashion for Mallary! 

Mallary is less than thrilled to take pictures, but whenever my sister brings clothes, Mallary jumps in to say, "You could make me a dress out of this!"
My method:  First, I cut the pieces apart.  Then, I ripped out the pink seams from the elastic piece.  Next, I cut and sewed the elastic to the width I needed. Then, I took up and took in the pink top.  Then I attached everything back together!  The best part is I didn't even have to hem the bottom! I just left it a little longer - then she can wear it next year too. 

Honestly, it isn't perfect.  I didn't have much time and wanted to finish it quickly.  Let's just say I would not have gotten a very good grade in my sewing class in college on the arm hole parts!  Oh well!  It's a dress (Mallary doesn't have very many) and it was free! 

I do believe she can use this dress in any season.  Bonus!

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