October 15, 2015

Fall Wedding Ideas

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This was a wedding I helped with a couple of weeks ago.  I was in charge of the appetizer spread, cake, cupcakes, and the display of those and the dessert display.  The brides mother did all the flowers you'll see.

I had my dad cut the wooden discs, and then I made them into platters.  I may do a tutorial eventually, or maybe just a post with tips on different ways you can make those.  I tried quite a few different things with making those platters. 

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There were two different kinds of cupcakes, Red Velvet and Chocolate.  This was so people could know which cupcakes were which.  So, all the chocolate had the sunflowers on it. 

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The cake was a chocolate cake with cream cheese icing.  The brides mother made the floral cake topper to match the brides bouquet.

This was the dessert table.  I only provided the platters.  The brides uncle made all these desserts.

The drink station:

Wooden Discs Under the drink canisters.  Love. 
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I also did the appetizer spread.  Its becoming my signature and it gets me gigs.  :)
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I wish I had gotten more pictures of the whole venue and decorations, but I was so busy setting out the dinner meal, etc. I didn't get a chance!  It was so gorgeous though!!  

1 comment:

  1. So eye pleasing Fall Wedding Ideas!! This royal blue color is making it even more beautiful. Thanks for sharing the party inspirations here. At some local New York event space I will also tie the knot. You know I am going to have an intimate wedding.
