July 24, 2014

A sweet twist on Strawberry Shortcake

I know strawberry picking season is over, but these were yummy!

I had seen this on Pinterest, and one day the stars aligned...  (meaning we just picked strawberries and had doughnuts left over from my kids getting them free from Krispy Kreme for awesome report cards.) So, we tried them!  Awesome!!  Though I should have put the cream in the middle like this person did here.  Still fabulous.  I ate two... 

Krispy Kreme Strawberry Shortcake

1.  Cut and slice strawberries and place in a bowl.
2.  Sprinkle them with desired amount of sugar to bring out sweetness and make a little syrupy.
3.  Whip whipping cream with some sugar and vanilla.
4.  Slice doughnut in half.
5.  Load doughnut bottom half with strawberries and cream and top with the other half
6.  Enjoy!

My new favorite way to eat a doughnut!

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